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Community Conduct at Innov Art Foundry

At Innov Art Foundry, we are dedicated to cultivating a respectful, inclusive, and vibrant community where artists, enthusiasts, and professionals can connect, collaborate, and inspire one another. To ensure a positive experience for all, we have established guidelines that define expected conduct within our community. By participating in Innov Art Foundry, you agree to adhere to these principles.

Respect and Inclusivity

  • Be Respectful:

    Treat all community members with kindness, courtesy, and respect. Personal attacks, harassment, and abusive language will not be tolerated.

  • Embrace Diversity:

    Celebrate the diversity of our community by welcoming people of all backgrounds, cultures, and identities. Discrimination or hate speech based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited.

  • Positive Engagement:

    Engage with others in a constructive and positive manner. Offer thoughtful feedback, support, and encouragement to your fellow community members.

Integrity and Honesty

  • Be Honest:

    Represent yourself truthfully and authentically. Do not impersonate others or mislead community members about your identity, qualifications, or affiliations.

  • Originality:

    Share original content and ideas. If you reference or build upon the work of others, give proper credit and obtain permission where necessary. Plagiarism and copyright infringement are not tolerated.

  • Transparency:

    Disclose any potential conflicts of interest and be transparent about your motivations when sharing opinions, reviews, or recommendations.

Collaboration and Support

  • Collaborative Spirit:

    Foster a spirit of collaboration by being open to new ideas, perspectives, and partnerships. Encourage and support others in their creative endeavors.

  • Constructive Feedback:

    Provide constructive and respectful feedback that helps others grow and improve. Avoid harsh criticism or negativity that can discourage or harm others.

  • Mentorship:

    If you have experience or expertise, consider mentoring and guiding less experienced members of the community. Sharing knowledge and skills strengthens our collective growth.

Safety and Privacy

  • Safe Space:

    Create a safe and welcoming environment for all members. Report any behavior that makes you or others feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

  • Privacy Respect:

    Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information, private conversations, or sensitive content without permission.

  • Responsible Sharing:

    Share content responsibly and ensure that it aligns with our community guidelines. Avoid posting explicit, offensive, or inappropriate material.


  • Take Responsibility:

    Own your actions and be accountable for your behavior. If you make a mistake, acknowledge it, apologize, and take steps to rectify the situation.

  • Follow Guidelines:

    Adhere to the community guidelines and policies set forth by Innov Art Foundry. Familiarize yourself with these rules and help enforce them.

  • Report Issues:

    Report any violations of the community guidelines to the appropriate moderators or administrators. Your feedback helps maintain the integrity of our community.

By upholding these standards, we ensure that Innov Art Foundry remains a place of inspiration, creativity, and mutual respect. Thank you for contributing to the positive spirit of our community.