Submit Your Art to Innov Art Foundry

Artistic Image

At Innov Art Foundry, we are committed to providing artists with a platform to showcase their work, gain recognition, and connect with a global audience. Whether you’re an emerging artist looking to make your mark or an established creator seeking new opportunities, we invite you to submit your work and join our vibrant community of artists.

Why Submit to Innov Art Foundry?

  • Global Exposure: Your work will be featured on our platform, reaching art enthusiasts, collectors, and professionals from around the world.
  • Professional Opportunities: Gain access to exhibition opportunities, collaborations, and potential sales.
  • Community Engagement: Connect with fellow artists, share your creative journey, and gain valuable feedback and support from our community.
  • Expert Guidance: Receive insights and tips from our team of art professionals to help you navigate the art world and grow your career.

Submission Guidelines

To ensure a smooth submission process, please review our guidelines carefully before submitting your work:

  • Artwork Format: We accept high-quality images of all types of visual art, including paintings, drawings, sculptures, digital art, and mixed media. Please ensure your images are clear and accurately represent your work.
  • Artist Information: Provide a brief artist biography, including your background, artistic influences, and any notable achievements or exhibitions.
  • Artwork Details: Include the title, medium, dimensions, and a brief description of each submitted piece.
  • Contact Information: Make sure to include your full name, email address, and any relevant social media handles or website links.

How to Submit

Submitting your work to Innov Art Foundry is easy and straightforward. Follow these steps to share your art with us:

  1. Prepare Your Files: Ensure your images and documents are ready for submission. Accepted file formats include JPEG, PNG, and PDF.
  2. Complete the Submission Form: Fill out our online submission form with your artist information, artwork details, and contact information.
  3. Upload Your Files: Attach your prepared files to the submission form. Make sure each file is labeled with your name and the title of the artwork.
  4. Submit: Once you’ve completed the form and attached your files, click the submit button to send your work to us. You will receive a confirmation email once your submission has been successfully received.

Review Process

Our team of art professionals carefully reviews each submission to ensure it meets our quality standards and aligns with our vision. The review process typically takes 2-3 weeks, after which you will receive an email notification regarding the status of your submission.

What Happens Next?

If your work is selected, we will contact you with further details about the next steps, including how your art will be featured on our platform and any potential exhibition or collaboration opportunities. Selected artists may also be invited for an interview to be featured in our artist spotlight section.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a submission fee? No, submitting your work to Innov Art Foundry is completely free.
  • Can I submit more than one piece of art? Yes, you are welcome to submit multiple pieces. Please ensure each piece is clearly labeled and includes the necessary details.
  • What types of art do you accept? We accept all types of visual art, including traditional mediums (painting, drawing, sculpture) and digital art.
  • Can I submit art that has been exhibited elsewhere? Yes, previously exhibited work is welcome, as long as you have the rights to submit it.
  • What if my submission is not accepted? If your work is not selected, we encourage you to continue creating and consider resubmitting in the future. Our team may provide feedback to help guide your artistic development.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions about the submission process or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at +1 251-746-4984 or email us at [email protected]. We are here to support you and look forward to seeing your incredible art.